Image Credit: Samsung
Seems a great many folks are not too impressed with the fact that you can just bend the new iPhone and it stays bent. In other words, once your new Iphone gets bent somehow in your pocket, you will then have a bent phone. Not just in theory, but in your actual pocket. Again, to reiterate. It does not bend back to the original shape.
This is a massive flaw that many internet sites and other competing companies have jumped on almost immediately, resulting in what will now be called "bendgate." The website Oddee thought it might be fun to gather some of the best iPhone 6 "bendgate" photos and assembled them all into one place for you. The abve photo Samsung quickly put out after the bend news leaked is just one of many spot on parodies of the new iPhone's unofficial bend feature.
I know those of you who rushed out and bought the phone that day must be upset. The rest of us who are still using our old phones think all this is hilarious. Sorry. Sometimes being poor pays off. The rich people run the beta tests on products for their first years, then when all the bugs are worked out, it is years later and the rest of us can finally afford it. Thanks for that!
Were it rubber, it might spring back...
Unless Prince Ea was talking about bendgate. I don't have sound enabled at work.