If you haven't checked out our This Is Halloween Pinterest board, you're missing out. This one-stop-shop for all things Halloween is filled with great ideas for costumes, pumpkins, snacks, decorations and more. That's both because Halloween is awesome and also because just by pinning to the board, you're entering our Halloween Scream Time contest.
As a reminder, if you want to participate in the contest, you just need to follow the board and then send us a private message on Pinterest, leave a comment on the board or leave a comment here with your pinerest account name. We'll then send you an invite so you can start pinning.
If you're on Pinterest and don't feel like entering the contest, you can help pick our popular votes winner by repinning your favorite items on the board. The pic with the most repins will win, along with one pic chosen by the Neatorama team.
But I would like to be added to the board. pinterest.com/padthai