(Photo: Luke Ma)
You can transport beer by hand, horse cart, or truck. Or, even better, in your belly. But these are not efficient means of transporting large quantities of beer.
This has become a problem for the De Halve Maan brewery in Bruges, Belgium. For five hundred years, it has produced beer at its brewery in the center of town. It uses a fleet of trucks to move its beer 3 miles to a distribution facility. That's a problem because the trucks clog up traffic on the city's cobblestone streets.
In response, De Halve Maan has acquired permission to build a 1.8-mile underground pipeline that will move the beer quickly and efficiently. When complete, the plastic pipeline will move about 1,585 gallons of beer per hour.
-via Marginal Revolution
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If it's a good idea for one house, it's a good idea for the whole city!