The Real Leg Lamp

Leo Bonten had to have his leg amputated. And he wanted to take his leg home to use it as a lamp. Really. His request stirred up some controversy in the Netherlands. At first the hospital said no.

However, Bonten was told that he could only get his amputated leg back after it had been buried to follow the letter of the law, which was costly never mind a bit ridiculous. Bonten refused and was initially refused the amputation by the hospital. It was eventually sorted out, but Bonten had to fight for a right he already had to keep his own leg and make the lamp he wanted. “The hospital didn’t have a leg to stand on,” says Bonten jokingly.

The leg was preserved by pathologist Frank van de Goot, and make into a lamp by designer Willem Schaperkotter. You can see it at Improbable Research. They also have a screenshot of Bonten’s eBay ad for the leg lamp (he said he was in dire financial need), but it was pulled because the eBay forbids the sale of human body parts. There's also a TV show with a discussion of the medical ethics in the story, if you understand Dutch. -via Metafilter

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