Plenty of us have wreath forms lying around in storage, just waiting for Christmas time to roll around again, but why only have a wreath for winter? This cool Halloween wreath is a great way to celebrate autumn and put something just a little creepy onto your door.
Best of all, it's pretty easy to put together. Just attach moss to the wreath with wire then arrange your craft birds according to your preferences and use hot glue to secure them. You can find a template for the banner over at Live Craft Love and once you've put that together, just glue that on across the front.
Learn more and see a few how-to photos at Homes and Hues: Spruce Up Your Spooky Halloween Decor With A Wreath of Crows
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Since you're "The Watchman", doesn't that make the project a little self-serving?
Apparently the 30-something is referring to his IQ.