Street performers are a dime-a-dozen in any city or country you go to now. Anywhere you walk, you are bound to see someone dancing or doing extreme acts of yoga or maybe even some cool (but cheesy) street magic. But how often do you encounter a crew who seemingly can keep you enthralled by doing all three at once? Seems pretty rare. In the case of the following video from Viral Hog, seems they found some incredibly talented street performers from South Africa and they turned the camera on them so the rest of the world could be as impressed as they are.
The thing to pay attention to is the floating hat trick. Not so much an actual trick as just a cool use of physics, it is still a really interesting and original move, and one I have never seen done so expertly anywhere else.
So the next time you pass a street performer, toss them a buck or two. Just because they don't make a living doing what we do, doesn't mean they any less of a right to make a living. These guys prove that by putting on an awesome show.