Archive for September 20th, 2014

Shop Signs in Sci-Fi Movies

There's an ALDI in the background of Back to the Future. Has anyone noticed that before?And there's a Games Workshop outlet in one of the final scenes in Dune. You may not have noticed that, but Michael...

Stitchy Stardust - Even Aliens Appreciate Good Music

Stitchy Stardust by FishbiscuitStitch had always been a fan of the greats- Elvis Presley, Don Ho and Chubby Checker, just to name a few, but when he got his hands on an early David Bowie record his little alien life was...

Friends Are Waiting

[] (YouTube link)What starts off as a cute video about a guy and his dog becomes an anti-drunk driving PSA. So prepare yourself -you might need a hanky. And surprisingly, it’s a tearjerke...

Artist Draws Portrait Photos as Anime and Disney-Style Characters

Artist Robert DeJesus accepts photographs from the public and transforms them into these whimsical drawings in the style of anime, Disney and other animated characters. His drawings are done in pencil. Judging from the *...

South African Street Performers Put on Remarkable Show

Street performers are a dime-a-dozen in any city or country you go to now. Anywhere you walk, you are bound to see someone dancing or doing extreme acts of yoga or maybe even some cool (but cheesy) street magic. But how...

Designers Reveal The Typography Found In Everyday Objects

Human beings are surrounded by shapes and letters, at least according to our human eyes, which are always busy spotting the work of some invisible scribe in objects all around us.Writers/designers Steven Heller and Gail...

Burglary Victim Finds Himself Standing Next to Suspect at the Police Station

(Photo: ABC)A burglar in Melbourne, Australia stole two expensive surfboards from Ross Moresi, who is pictured above. When he discovered his boards missing, Moresi called the police and alerted nearby surf shops.A few ho...

Geoff Beattie’s Rich Dark Fruit Cake

Geoff Beattie stills lives in the Queensland, Australia, house where he grew up. Now 68, he’s had an eventful life: wooing his wife, Elaine, over her father’s objections, building a dairy farm, and raising ch...

Summer Movies 2014: Hits and Misses

Believe it or not, despite how many massive movies came and went this summer, movies in general did not do as well this summer as projected. That means, a lot of big movies did not make the money they needed to make, whi...

The Galaxy Beard

Redditor delpaint often does arty things with his glorious beard. This one is called the Galaxy Beard, and it came with a long-term contract of sorts. The post was titled “No amount of hot showers will get rid of t...

Let This Guy Be Your Guide To An Ugly LSU Frat Brawl

When a bunch of frat boys started brawling their yuppified brains out on the LSU parade grounds one intrepid reporter dared to film the fight with his smartphone, adding his own comedic reactions to the tragic scene:...

Krispy Kreme Makes a Box of 2,400 Donuts

(Photos: Krispy Kreme UK)Be a pal and pick up a box of donuts while you're out, okay? This one will do nicely. In every way except one, it's the traditional way that Krispy Kreme packages its boxes of 1 dozen donuts: thi...

Logic Power - A Vulcan Revolutionary

Logic Power by Chibi T-ShirtsSpock had always been a fan of revolution, especially when it involved people fighting for their basic rights against an unjust ruler, but there was something about Earth's 1960s that really...

Dog Throws a Tantrum When Told It's Time to Go Home

[](Video Link)It's been fun swimming, but now it's time to go home. But your 4-year old isn't ready. She wants to keep playing in the water. So she throws a fit, making a scene a...

Trailer For Tim Burton's Upcoming Movie Big Eyes

Tim Burton is known for his kooky creature creations, his dark and quirky sense of humor, and the touch of classic cinematic style he adds to every film, and since he's always reinventing himself fans will always find so...

7 Incredible Natural Phenomena You May Have Never Seen

Image Credit:Rolf van MellisWeather is a fairly compelling spectacle. Not just weather itself, but some of the weirder weather phenomena that occurs throughout the world. The stuff we hear about, but never see. Truthfull...

Salvador Dali's Illustrations For The Twelve Signs Of The Zodiac

Salvador Dali wasn’t known for being a particularly spiritual person, although he believed that he was a reincarnation of his dead older brother.He believed in mathematics and science over religion or superstition,...

Angry Swan Supervises Cygnet Rescue

[] (YouTube link)Have you ever heard the saying, "No good deed goes unpunished"?Simon Cowell of Wildlife Aid got a call about a cygnet (baby swan) stuck in a chain link fence along the Thames....

Meet The Suitsy - A Business Suit And Onesie Hybrid

Folks who have to wear a suit to work on a daily basis know what a pain it is to put on their suit piece by piece, only to take it all off again as soon as they get home.If only there was a simple solution to this dressi...

Los Angeles Lawyer Thought Phony Pictures of Her Hanging With Celebrities Would Boost Biz

Los Angeles-based attorney Svitlana Sangary, on a website advertising her legal services, filled a page with bad Photoshop jobs of herself standing side-by-side with President Obama, George Clooney and B...


[] (YouTube link)This annoying cat wants in, and he won’t take no for an answer! The dialogue is in French, so check the subtitles. In this version, it’s not even his house! The ori...

Horse Meat Sushi

I've never eaten horse before, but I'm always game for unusual meats. Horse as sushi? Sure, why not!Casey Baseel of Rocket News 24 informs us that we may associate sushi with raw fish, but the term actua...

Baby Elephant and Pal Enjoy a Mud Bath

[]YouTube LinkOlder female elephant Faa Mai and baby Dok Mai share a joyful moment playing in the mud together at Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai, Thailand. S...

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