Music videos often come across like they want to be bubble gum. They want to be easily accessed and enjoyed by all. They want to be safe and tasty, but nothing too out of the ordinary. But there are exceptions to every rule. In this case, the exception are the music videos of electronic artist Aphex Twin (who is actually known as Richard David James). He blends the scary with the insane, and it all acts as a soundtrack to his frantic, break-beat music that makes you feel like you are going to jump out of your skin.
Though I will tell you this video is intense, scary, and at times, overwhelming, I can also tell you it is SFW. Just keep the volume fairly low, and expect anyone who walks by your cubicle to look at you really strange and maybe not want to sit with you at lunch after.
If you find the anarchaic and dystopian future in this video cool, you should check out some of his other work. Pretty much all his music videos will scar you for life in one way or another.
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