The funny thing about life is, one minute you could be enjoying it, and the next moment, something cataclysmic can happen. It may seem an exxagerated thing to say, but it is true. You want proof of that, look no further than this collection of very close calls, all caught on tape. While these people all got out of these situations with minor or no injuries, if you look at the scenarios they were in, safe to say things could have played out a lot worse in most of those scenarios. Yes, it can be a little scary, but just think, all these people survived all this situations, in most cases, mirculously. Funny how a random step to the left can save your life and you don't even know it at the time.
It's odd how in some of the videos that are no reaction from the people, though. Pretty sure if I almost got run over by a car I would be doing a dance of joy the moment I realized I was still alive. Check out the BMR Pranks and Fails page on YouTube for more awesome videos like this one.
Comments (7)
And then there's the car in Arabia, which was probably an incident of 'drifting'; a nihilistic and suicidal practice of disaffected and bored Saudi men.
I showed some of these videos to my daughter when she was learning to drive, in order to show her the kinds of things she should be aware of for 'defensive driving'.