Image Credit: DC Comics
To Batman's credit, he has been a versatile hero through the ages. While some of his henchmen and rogues gallery are well-known and beloved (and feared) bad guys, some of the situations Batman found himself in during his golden age could best be desrcibed as "insane". From situations like the above scenaio which has him fighting apes AND gangsters, to covers that would never be made now due to the changes in societies feelings towards certain issues, sometimes you just wish someone would put together a gallery of some of Batman's weirdest covers. Then you remember that this is the internet, and someone has.
Vulture Carefully assembled this list of the 25 weirdest Batman covers for us all to look over in awe and amazement. Some of them will make you laugh, some of them will make you scratch your head, but most of them will just remind you that Batman is one of the coolest (and easily most insane) heroes and comics out there.
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