Halloween is our favorite holiday and we know we're not alone. If you're ready to celebrate then head over to our This is Halloween Pinterest group board and check out all the amazing content related to spooky foods, costumes, decor and more. Best of all, you can even join the board and add your own pins for other fans to enjoy -and by doing so, you can even win some amazing prizes.
To get added to the board, follow it with your Pinterest account and then send us a message through Pinterst, leave a comment on the board or leave a comment on this post with your Pinterest user name. We'll then send you an invite so you can go crazy.
We'll be choosing two top pins, one that gets the most repins and one voted on by our editors, the people who shared these with the board will win a messenger bag, a tee shirt and any other NeatoShop item valued at up to $25. All pins added to the This is Halloween board between September 15 and October 15 will be counted as an entry as long as they are posted by someone over 18, who lives in one of the countries that the NeatoShop ships to.
We'll notify all winners before October 20. Anyone who fails to respond within a week will be disqualified and we will have to choose an alternate winner -so check your Pinterest messages and any social media accounts connected to it so you will know if you win.
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