In the realm of British insults, calling someone a "chocolate teapot" is equivalent to telling them they're useless. Yet with the advent of the U.K. Nestle Product Technology Centre's victory in creating a chocolate teapot that can withstand several minutes of hot tea brewing, the phrase may not be such an insult after all. A group of scientists and engineers got together to make this crucial milestone in chocolate technology.
The design ingredients necessitated dark chocolate with 65 percent chocolate solids, which created a base that wouldn't melt quickly. Molding the base ingredients into a teapot with thick walls gave the end result more delicious stamina. The final product melts just enough per brew to give your cup of tea a light chocolate flavoring. I have a coconut tea that would work nicely. Bring it on!
Read more about the chocolate teapot and see a video of its construction here.
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