Archive for September 11th, 2014

Cat vs. Lemon

[] (youTube link)Have you ever noticed how some cats just want to slap everything? It’s a way of exploring, but it doesn’t do much good against inanimate objects. This pretty calico...

10 Wonderfully Adorable Cartoons by Liz Climo

This is neat: Liz Climo, a character artist/storyboard revisionist on The Simpsons and a wonderful cartoonist, to boot, is launching her new book The Little World of Liz later this month. If you pre-orde...

The Best Yearbook Photo Ever

Schenectady student petitions to have this photo in the yearbook What do you think?— CBS 6 Albany - WRGB (@CBS6Albany) September 10, 2014 It has lasers. It has a c...

Let's Kill Ghost'N Goblins! - Sir Lance A Lot

Let's Kill Ghost'N Goblins! by Hope2198He's a legendary figure among old school gamers, the knight who battled against all odds to get his girlfriend back and finish his picnic, he's Arthur and he's mighty tough whether...

Woman in China Found to Have No Cerebellum

A 24-year-old woman from Shandong Province in China was recently admitted to a hospital after presenting with symptoms of dizziness and nausea. Once a brain scan was performed, it was discovered that she had no cere...

Why Are Baseball Seasons 162 Games Long?

I honestly did not realize that the Major League Baseball season was 162 games long, but I’ve often been impressed at how many games they play. There aren’t too many days off for a player between April and Oc...

Laughter after 9/11: How Jon Stewart, David Letterman, and Other Comedians Responded at the Time

[](Video Link)After the terrorist attacks in the United States 13 years ago, all television programming went to news coverage and commentary 24 hours a day.But it couldn't remai...

10 Unusual Former Jobs of Celebrities

Image Via SnopesSometimes it is really easy to look in at the celebrity life, and wish you were a part of it. The huge checks and accolades and the adoring fans. The thing that we don't see is just what those celebrities...

Star Wars Minus Williams Score

[]YouTube LinkThe Auralnauts strip the great score by John Williams and add their own sound effects to the Throne Room scene in Star Wars. Chewbacca's m...

Old School Parental Controls for a Game Console Is a Lock

(Photo via perc10)How can you prevent your kid from spending too much time playing video games? Back in 1989, parents could physically lock down a gaming console with a combination lock built for that purpose*/st...

The Fantastic Paper Art of Yulia Brodskaya

The exceptional paper art of Yulia Brodskaya, featured previously at Neatorama, continues to evolve and capture the imagination of art lovers everywhere. At only thirty-one years of age, and given the fact that she...

Baby Elephant Blows Bubbles with Her Trunk

[](Video Link)On August 20, a baby elephant was born at the Reid Park Zoo in Tucson, Arizona. We got to watch her take her first steps. The little tyke, under mama elephant's car...

Gloriously Geeky Homes

Look at this homemade TARDIS console room! Just look at it! J.P. Fox built this himself, in his home, which makes it a thoroughly geeky home everyone will want to visit. Get another view of it here.I decorated the room,...

Man Sets World Record by Doing 16 Pull-Ups with His Pinkie Fingers

This phenomenal athlete is Maibam Itomba Meitei of Imphal, India. For 14 years, he's trained for this task: doing more pinkie finger pull-ups than anyone else in the world. He weighs only 120 pounds, but that's muscle--e...

Flying Spaghoofy Monster - A Cartoon Curiosity

Flying Spaghoofy Monster by BeastPopThe Goofster might seem like a big, bumbling buffoon here on Earth, but on many faraway planets he's worshipped as a god. His physical appearance changes into something resembling a p...

Miss Correct Posture

Contestants Marianne Baba (L), Lois Conway (M) and Ruth Swenson (R) posing with their trophies and X-rays. Photo: Wallace Kirkland/LIFE via Google LIFE Archives No slouchers here, ma'am! Just winners of the...

Illustrated Twitter Typos

It’s hard to get every letter right when you’re Tweeting from a phone. For some people, even large keyboard keys and small words will trip you up. So it was inevitable that a site dedicated to Twitter typos w...

Cats Getting Massages Compilation

[]YouTube LinkThis compilation is so filled with cat content it's enough to put even a human at ease. The kitties become putty in the hands of their masseuses as...

One Chance Might Be the Bleakest Game You Have (Never) Played

Image Via AwkwardSilenceGamesOne Chance is a game quite unlike any you have ever played online. It is about a scientist who created a pathogen that is inadvertantly wiping out all mankind on Earth. You then have six in-g...

Robin Williams in Motion

[] (YouTube link)An installment in the video series Every Frame a Painting shows how Robin Williams harnessed motion to tell a story through his movie characters. Tony Zhou was inspired to addr...

How The Polar Bear Enclosure Will Keep Elephants Warm At The Oregon Zoo

Elephants and polar bears don’t really have an occasion to meet outside of a zoo, but the wide range of ecological simulations present in modern zoos make it possible for elephants and polar bears to peacefully coe...

Man Backs Car Out of Garage Just As Tornado Hits

[]YouTube LinkA Russian man backs his Toyota out of his garage, dashcam running, just in time to see nearly everything around him be hit by a destructive tornado...

Burger King Has a Black Cheese Burger

(Photo: NariNari)We've seen hamburgers with black buns before. But this new burger offered by Burger King outlets in Japan goes even further. This is the Kuro Burger, which has buns and a cheese made with bamboo charcoal...

99 Red Balloons

[] (YouTube link)Andrew Huang (previously at Neatorama) recreated the 1983 Nena song “99 Luftballons” using only red balloons! He didn’t need 99 of them; four balloons made al...

James Mollison's Compelling Portraits: Where Children Sleep

Alex, 9, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilJames Mollison's book Where Children Sleep (previously) contains portraits of children from all across the globe, aside images, some positively heartbreaking, of the...

Dynamic Duo - Superheroes Are For The Birds

Dynamic Duo by Jason ParishSuperheroes are nothing but made up characters from the land of make believe, in the real world the only super folks who use the symbol of the bat, or the robin, are the bats and robins themse...

Dyson Aims to Take Out the Roomba

Roombas are a great idea in theory, but having a vacuum that doesn't work all that well bump around the walls isn't as great as the idea of a robotic vacuum. That's why Dyson has been working on their own robotic vacuum...

200 Years Ago Today: The Battle of Plattsburgh--The Most Decisive Battle in the War of 1812

(Painting by Julian O. Davidson)For Americans, September 11 will always be a morbid date. It is a time for mourning. But this was not always so. Once, September 11 represented a glorious triumph for America. Today, Amer...

Big-lipped Species Named for Mick Jagger

Associate anthropology professor Ellen Miller and her team found some fossils in the Egyptian desert. Although fossils of this animal had been found before, Miller and her associates determined that it was a previously u...

Comedy Sketch: Email in Real Life

[](Video Link)These hilarious commercials for SolarWinds show what it would be like if people acted face-to-face like they do through email. The emojis demonstration is pitc...


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