Image Via Cartoon Network
I am sorry to say this, but someone has to. Batman: The Brave and the Bold was an awesome show. It stripped all the grittiness away from the most recent versions of the caped crusader and brought back his golden age sensibilities (and many of his golden age enemies). Problem was, kids didn't know who anyone was and why it is was so cheesy at times, and adults didn't know it existed. So, like many good things, it got canceled.
The good news is, over time, people have realized just how hilarious and fun this show was, and it is developing a rather prestigious cult following as a result. A great place to jump on-board for this show would be this list over at Topless Robot that talks about the top ten episodes of that awesome show. Just to prove how dark it was at times, despite the visuals:
Many people wrongly believed B:BatB was pandering to kids, but this dark, vengeance-fueled episode clears up any such misconception. The story revolves around Batman hunting down his parents' killer, Joe Chill, while being supernaturally observed by the Spectre and the Phantom Stranger.
So though the visuals and characters may have thrown some people off, a couple hours with the show revealed just how great it was. If you have never seen this show and are a fan of the bat, do yourself a favor and read the list then go look up the show. Yes, it was THAT good.
Comments (3)
The series finale was outstanding.
Also, as another B:BatB lover, I wondered why you referred to "golden age" Batman when most of what made this show fun was the "silver age" elements (which the first page of the linked article pointed out). I like that it included two of the 'meta/wacky' Bat-Mite episodes among the Top 10 (well, the Finale was a slam dunk), but while noting many of the stunt castings on the show, it failed to mention that Bat-Mite was voiced by Paul "Pee Wee" Reubens, in one of his finest performances.