First Graders Of 1988 Make Predictions About The Year 2000

(Images Via August 18, 1988 New Castle News in Pennsylvania)

Kids are generally a pretty optimistic bunch, without any cynicism or prejudice to color their view of the world, and because of this positivity their outlook on the future is usually pretty fantastic.

In the past their ideas about the future involved flying cars, space exploration, and a world full of computer screens and cool inventions.

However, in the year 1988 kids were already starting to look at the future in a more realistic light, and their ideas about the year 2000 were some of the most mundane answers ever given to questions about the future.

Little Catherine Book, seen here striking her best future movie starlet pose, had this to say about houses in the future:

They'll build the houses so they have zig zags. Then they'll have trees on the outside of the zig zag so if a skunk tries to walk through the house they can't because the ends will be so sharp that they'll prick them.

And shy Brad Shaffer shared this startling revelation about the future of his family's home:

My house will get older and more spider webs . . . It'll just get more unless my mother cleans it.

It seems kids in 1988 had already accepted the disappointing reality awaiting them in the new millenium, and they were tired of animated propaganda like The Jetsons spreading lies about the future.

Read more about what first graders in 1988 thought the year 2000 would look like over at Paleofuture

See more about baby and kids at NeatoBambino

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