Ridiculous Beliefs of the World's Most Acclaimed Thinkers

Image via  Zen Shaman

Sometimes we look back in history (especially the history of philosophy and such) and we give the people who helped form the movement a little too much credit. We forget that, in between all their critical and existential thinking that was spot-on, they had some setbacks, too.

On RealityCarnival today I found a piece about some ridiculous beliefs of the world's most acclaimed thinkers, and it really blew my mind (Reality Carnival is a great site to go to when you need your mind blown).

For example, did you know that Pythagoras thought beans were made from people and should NEVER be eaten? Yes, he actually thought that, among all his briliant musings. That, my friends, is just one glorious example. It only gets wackier from there.

Ridiculous Beliefs of the World's Most Acclaimed Thinkers

So the next time you find yourself wondering if you can ccross breed a dog with a robot, and then you think to yourself that is a stupid thought, just remember: there were people far more intelligent than you or I thinking far stupider stuff.


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