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October is anti-bullying month. Though every single month of the year needs to be anti-bullying month, October is a great start. One of the companies that is taking October and the idea of anti-bullying one step further is Marvel comics. They know they speak to a huge demographic of kids who are picked on or who can relate to being picked on. For that reason, Marvel has a slew of really powerful variant covers they are realsing with some major titles next month to show just how much of in impact bullying can have.
Marvel is working with StompOutBullying to help make this all happens, and it seems a wonderful move fo the mega comic company to make. The above picture tells an epic story using only visuals and is something that most of us, at one time or another, can relate to.
Some other comics to look out for that have special covers in October are:
Rocket Racoon
Captain America
Guardians of the Galaxy
Captain Starlord
Kinda cool to see they are using the popularity of Guardians of the Galaxy and using it for good. Very powerful stuff that will hopefully help open eyes to the epidemic of bullying in the country (and world).