Photographer Anelia Loubser's intriguing series Alienation consists of stark, black-and-white closeups of human faces turned upside down. That simple change of orientation turns the ordinary compelling and the "flaws" unique earmarks. Wrinkles, enlarged pores, skin blemishes and discolorations add to the interest of the photos rather than subtract. Loubser has not only turned the features upside down, she's done the same with traditional beauty standards.
From Loubser's Behance site comes the following series description:
"Alienation is a collection of portraits that challenges the viewer by using creative tactics based on the concept, “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change” - Wayne Dyer.
Be introduced to the alienated being inside us all, disconcerting beauty emerges. The work is on the one hand strangely aesthetic, on the other hand mysteriously eerie."
Via My Modern Met