UPDATE 8/28/14: Neil Tugade Consuelo, the cosplayer in the photo, kindly shows up in the comments to tell us more. Thanks, Neil! He writes:
The electrical components consisted of the globe which lit up using LEDs taken from a illuminating ice cube. Inside the tube has 3 small LED flash lights that were cut and wired all together to shine on my face. Now, the controller that I am holding controls the LED strips on the gold pillars on the left and right side of me. The LED strips and either stay illuminated, blink at a steady pace or blink faster.
Here's another photo of his costume.
This ingenious cosplayer, whose name remains unknown to me at this point, is dressed as Zordon of Eltar, the enigmatic (and racist) mentor of the Power Rangers from the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I'm curious about what he can do with those electrical components.
He looks just like the real Zordon in his tube!
Here's a video of him at Morphicon 2014, a fan convention held last weekend in Pasadena, California.
-via Ben Dunn
Comments (2)
Here is a better picture on my facebook. Glad you like it!!!