Bizarre Sculptures By Cameron Stalheim

Some sculptors work small, some sculptors work traditional and conservative, but Cameron Stalheim likes to create sculptural works of art that are sometimes large, sometimes disturbing, but always bizarre.

Cameron doesn’t sacrifice realism for the sake of strange, in fact the stark realism present in his works only adds to the uncomfortable feeling you get while looking at these twisted figures, many of which seem to be dead or dying.

With titles like "Despondent Debutante", "Fathoms of Obsession" and the extremely thought provoking "and then I saw Colby on the street and my fantasy died" Cameron is clearly trying to draw the viewer into his morbid fantasies, leading them through the dark depths of his imagination.

-Via Juxtapoz

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Ummm, the comments section is a place to engage in discourse -hence the reason it's a public forum vs. an email. If you can't grasp that basic concept then you obviously know nothing about the internet. This assertion is further backed up by the fact that you think something should be deleted just because you find something wrong with it. Guess what? If the internet worked like that, there would be no internet.

If you can't accept these basic concepts then please get off the internet (and general society) altogether and go live in your closed-off world where no one ever disagrees with you.
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If you want your remark to be directed to "the management" then I suggest you use the email address to contact them directly, rather than put it in a public forum where others will respond to it. Just an idea.
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Hear this: My "remark" was posted for the Neatorama site managers only. The ,mindless numbnuts like you who get your kicks from this kind of internet discourse are pathetic. I have nothing more to say. Go off in a corner somewhere and have "knowledge" with yourself.
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If you find this work of art disturbing then I'm guessing you're never going to watch Game of Thrones or The Godfather ever again? And whatever you do don't watch any news from Mexico, because drug cartels are doing stuff like that every day, and Mexico is way closer to home than the Middle East...
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