Delightful Photoshopped Images Created By Chinese Internet Trolls

The first internet connection in China was established in 1987, and now they have the most internet users in the world, but they’ve been a bit slow to catch up with the rest of the world in terms of internet trends.

Memes, silly animal videos, and nerd rage are all relatively new to Chinese users, but there is one area where they’re quickly catching up- trolling. 

A uniquely Chinese form of trolling is taking place, based around hilarious photoshopped images, and it’s the most adorable form of trolling ever. 

These trolls aren’t particularly vicious, nor are they preying on unwitting members of the online community, these trolls are being fed by people who want to see what the trolls will do with the images they receive:

It's the kindest, gentlest form of trolling you can find on the internet, and the idea of turning an image like this:

Into something as innocently 'shopped as this will make you want to go "d'awww!":

See more images from Kotaku's coverage of China's Photoshop Trolls and More Delightful Chinese Photoshop Trolls

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