The sofa is nearly as big as the car. But that doesn't stop this enterprising family from trying to force it in. The Daily Telegraph (warning: auto-start video) describes the incident:
Graeme Longden, 44, was in his upstairs bedroom in Sheffield, Yorkshire, on Sunday when he spotted the amusing scene and filmed it on his phone.
"On Sunday my neighbours put the sofa on their drive and on Monday afternoon I saw these people trying to put it in the car," he explained.
"I thought there is no was they are going to get that in, so I started filming. I had to stifle my laughter as I watched them trying to wedge it in.
Longden reports that they were eventually successful. I'd like to see what the car looked like then.
Of course, it would have been easier if they had just strapped it to the hood--excuse me, bonnet--of the car and then driven wherever they needed in reverse. Probably safer, too.
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