Australian farmer Brian Harrington becomes a water fowl couturier once a year during the "Pied Piper Duck Show" in Sydney. Harrington has participated in the event, a part of the Sydney Royal Easter Show, for thirty years. His dolled up ducks bring in an average of a million visitors annually. Via Lost At E Minor.
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Those are geese, if I don't miss my guess.
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Reminds me of the cartoon animals in Mary Poppins. I can already hear them quacking with a British accent.
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I agree that they look like geese to me. However, the guy who actually dresses them is supposedly a farmer, and he calls them ducks, so I have a hard time arguing. On the other hand, he is from Australia. Maybe it's a "fries vs chips" issue, where what we call geese, they call ducks?
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They are indian runner ducks. they have more of a pinball look than the average duck, making them look more goose like. but they are indeed Duckies.
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