Archive for August 17th, 2014

Eleven Facts About The Woman Behind The Mouse - Lillian Marie Disney

The saying goes "behind ever great man is a greater woman", and even though this saying is considered a bit outdated these days the phrase often rang true throughout history.Take Walt Disney for example- his wife is almo...

Before and After Photos of Rescued Dogs

Miley, found living in a trash pile, severely injured and barely able to walkImage: Frank BruynbroekA few of these "before" photos are a testament to the horrible way that some humans treat animals. Thankfu...

Man Claims to Have Tamed a Japanese Giant Hornet, Keeps It on a Leash

釣り糸の先には蜂をつけておくの。— がོིっོིしོིーོིPོི (@mikuru625) August 11, 2014 Japanese Giant Hornets (Vespa mandarinia japonica) are as...

Microsoft App Aims To Turn Boring First Person Videos Into Thrilling Hyperlapses

The internet is full of first person footage these days, whether it’s fun action footage or boring everyday stuff, because everyone loves their GoPro cameras or their Google glasses, and they’re dying to shar...

The Merc Approves This Shirt! - Thumbs Up To Chimichangas

The merc approves this shirt! by DemonigoteWade decided it was time to properly brand himself for his fans, time to get his superheroic image out there so his star would finally have its chance to rise. His big idea inv...

Poker Player Wins 15 Million Dollars, Keeps Poker Face

[]YouTube LinkDaniel Colman's reaction to winning 15 million dollars in a poker tournament — the second largest prize in the history of the...

The Ice Bucket Challenge

[] (YouTube link)The Ice Bucket Challenge is a meme to raise awareness of ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) and donations to the ALS Association. A participant pours a bucket of ice water over h...

Summer Camp in a State Prison

(Photo: Shereen Marisol Meraji/NPR)When a child's father is sent to prison, it may be years before the child gets to see that man again. Traveling great distances for visits can be expensive. That's why Hope House was fo...

Witold Pileki: Polish Badass

Witold Pileki was a leader in the Secret Polish Army, a resistance group that operated under the radar after Hitler’s troops occupied the country. In 1940, they knew that the Nazis were rounding up Jews and others...

Freaky Commercial: Take a Ride on the Hot Dog Train

You're waiting for your train to come so that you can get to work. Nothing good will come of it: your performance review is soon and you haven't met your quota.That's when the magical hot dog train arrives. Although you...

Generation Nice

The millennial generation, those born between 1981 and 1999, are now estimated to number over 80 million in America. That’s more than even the baby boom generation! They’ve been called spoiled, narcissistic,...

Spider Crashes BBC News Report

[]YouTube LinkMost everyone likes a tasty snack while enjoying some television. This spider is no different. He stepped in to snatch a fly on a BBC Scotland new...

Sneaky Mom Creates App That Prevents Her Teens from Using Their Phones Until They Call Her

Do you need to get in touch with your kids? There's an app for that.One day, Texas mom* Sharon Standifird tried to call her teenage children who were gallivanting about away from home. They ignored her c...

What It's Like To Play Online Games As A Grown-Up

Nobody knows how old you are when you’re playing a game online, but there are certain things that can tip you off about the age of your opponent- overly cheerful cursing, lack of post-pubescent knowledge and the so...

Mom Goes to Elementary School to Register Her Son, Promptly Gives Birth in the School Office

(Photo of Vanessa DeLeon and her family by Malini Basu)"At first I was like, oh my God. I can't believe I'm one of those ladies that has baby at one of those weird random places," said Vanessa DeLeon.Yet this was Ms. DeL...

The Expendables - Video Game Stars Take Action

The Expendables by Berserk7They weren't the first choice for the front line, but their surplus of extra lives made them the perfect choice....and totally expendable. Mario headed the team of hand picked video game super...

Radar Showing Airplanes Avoiding Thunderstorms

[]YouTube LinkIt is easy for air travelers to get wrapped up in the excitement of going on vacation, or in the business or personal situations that necessitate...

Don't Eat That John!--I Made a Taco Pizza

Because we have been married for 10 years, she did not even look at me funny when I proposed the idea.Perhaps my saintly wife has come to understand me. Perhaps I've worn her down. In either case, I am a lucky man.For yo...

Today is Black Cat Appreciation Day

[] (YouTube link)August 17 is Black Cat Appreciation Day! Black cats, like black dogs, are often passed over for adoption, possibly because of outdated myths, or possibly because their color ma...

This Lamp Looks Like a Giant Pencil

This is the HB Lamp by Michael & George, a design team in London. It looks like a sharp pencil. But don't worry that someone will mark all over your floor and walls. The line is just a 33-foot long power cord. That's...

The Marmot That Stopped Time

[] (YouTube link)Greenpeace was working on a video about coal mining on public lands, which features a time-lapse nature sequence. Filming such a sequence doesn’t always go smoothly, thou...

Sleepy Bird

(Photo: Molaire & Tentacules)At the end of a long day, the topiary laid back and slept.I'm having trouble determining the origin of this bush, but I gather that it is located in Le Jardin de Plantes, a botanical gard...

27 Photos That Show The Transformative Power Of Makeup

(Image Via Imgur)Using makeup seems like a ridiculous habit to some, a must before leaving the house to others, and although everyone can agree that Halloween/special effects style makeup is really cool looking, not ever...

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