How the Sun Sees You

(YouTube link)

Thomas Leveritt showed people what they looked like on video shot in ultraviolet (UV) light. You can see the changes your skin goes through by contrasting young children with adults. But UV light does not see through sunscreen, which is sunscreen’s entire purpose. In UV light, it looks black! But you can see how it protects your skin from the damaging sun’s rays. And it looks pretty funny, too. Want some sunscreen? -via Bad Astronomy

IR is fun, too. If you have a spare webcam, take it apart and find the infra-red filter - usually a small square of glass on the back of the lens or on top of the sensor. Prise it off, and your camera can now see near-IR. Add a filter that cuts visible light - I make a sandwich of red and blue gel for stage lighting, and all it will see (near enough) is IR.
Cola is transparent. Some black fabric stays black, while other appears white. Some printed pictures, such as those on ID badges vanish, while the text remains. Fun.
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