Man Sees Snake Eating Hawk And Comes To The Rescue

Hawks are tough birds, with razor sharp talons and beaks that tear through flesh with ease, but even these apex predators can have the tables turned on them by their prey- if that prey happens to be a four-foot-long bull snake.

(Video Link)

Scott Adams happened upon a rare example of prey besting predator playing out in the middle of the road, and for some reason he felt inclined to get involved.

Scott demonstrates his snake wrangling skills in the video, and nearly gets nailed by the disgruntled snake despite his skills, which is why no one should ever attempt a rescue like this unless trained to handle snakes.

-Via San Francisco Globe

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What a stupid jerk. This is nature and how it are no hero. You are an idiot. Leave nature to function how it does...that bird might have had something wrong with it that allowed it to get grabbed and now not only did it probably go die somewhere, you may have caused unseen issues to occur in the local wildlife. People like you should stay home.
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