This is The Great Hare, a sculpture by Canadian artist Mary Catherine Newcomb. She made the 15-foot long structure from turf that she grew over shaped mounds of compost and soil. It was on public display in 2011 at the Cambridge Sculpture Garden for CAFKA, an art show in the Kitchener, Ontario area. She also made an 8-foot long indoor version in 2012.
Because of its construction, The Great Hare is, in a sense, a living object. In an interview, Newcomb described the creative process:
The process of making the Great Hare (my most recent piece) relates to the fibre arts in a specific way. The turf blanket is cut and sewn onto parts of a supporting frame so that it can grow into the supporting soil. As the grass grew, I would comb it and give the piece "haircuts".
-via Colossal