Kids React to Typewriters

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In this new Kids React video by the The Fine Bros, kids check out the ("antique," as one puts it) metal monstrosity that is a typewriter. What is its function? Well, "it types, and it prints at the same time." Are you old enough to have encountered a typewriter at your workplace, school or elsewhere? You'll get sympathy if so, because at least one of these kids "feels sad" for you. Via Tastefully Offensive.

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You could only do one or two copies at a time...unless you had A DITTO MACHINE! Then you typed the ditto copy.
The smell of spirits lifted spirits in the classroom. Those kids don't know what they are missing.
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Old enough -are you kidding? But at least by the time I went to college, I had an electric typewriter.

Honestly, when I was in high school, my Dad forbade me from taking typing. It was considered a "vocational" class. Dad was afraid if I learned to type, I'd have a "fallback" career as a secretary or even worse, in the typing pool. I realize those are archaic terms all around now. Dad would be laughing if he saw how I make my living now -typing all day long, using the hunt and peck method.

My kids were taught to touch type in the second grade.
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