Proof: Walmart Ice Won't Melt, Even in Hot Weather

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You may have heard of the disturbing result of a recent experiment. KIKN Radio in Sioux Falls, South Dakota discovered that the ice cream sandwiches that he purchased at Walmart won't melt under conditions that you would expect to liquify ice cream. That's because they contain guar gum and calcium sulfate, which increase the viscosity of the ice cream. 

Our friends at 22 Words have learned that this subversion of our precious bodily fluids extends far beyond ice cream sandwiches. Even the ice sold in bags won't melt after being left out in the sun for over an hour!

Over the weekend, I will conduct further experiments with other Walmart products, including underpants, motor oil, and sleeping bags. Will these melt in the sun like they are supposed to?

I will conduct further experiments with other Walmart products, including underpants, motor oil, and sleeping bags. Will these melt in the sun like they are supposed to?

That was obviously not real either.
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