Archive for July 31st, 2014

This Man Is Pushing a Brussels Sprout up a Mountain with His Nose

(Photo: Stuart Kettell)He didn't lose a bet and he's not trying to get into a college fraternity. No, Stuart Kettell is a fundraiser for Macmillan Cancer Support. He hopes this stunt will raise at least £5,000 ($8,...

These Dogs Learned The Hard Way That Bees Are Not Their Friends

There’s something about a bee buzzing around the yard that drives dogs crazy, and even the smartest and most well trained dog can’t help but want to take a bite out of that bee when they see it flying from fl...

26 Unusual Occupations

[] (YouTube link)Need a job? Or maybe you feel the need to change your occupation to something really different. Elliott Morgan hosts this week’s mental_floss video and tells us about som...

22 Easter Eggs Hidden in Disney Movies

Disney's animation team likes to have fun by making subtle references to other movies, characters, or real-life Disney employees in their movies. For example, pictured above is a screenshot from Frozen. There's...

Ceramic Poppies Represent Blood Shed in WWI

To mark the 100th year since the first full day of Britain's involvement in the first world war, ceramic artist Paul Cummins and stage designer Tom Piper will be heading a grand-scale installation of ceramic po...

Kids’ Room Spaceship

[] (YouTube link)If you recall, Jeff Highsmith built a Mission Control Desk for his older son that had all kinds of space buttons, knobs, and sound effects. What could he possibly do to follow...

National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest 2014 Winners

First Place Winner: The Independence Day Image: Marko KorošecThe image above was chosen from 18,000 entries as the 2014 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest grand prize winner. M...

More Comic Con 2014 Cosplay

[] (YouTube link)You saw our massive gallery of photographs from Comic Con this morning. Do you want to see more awesome costumes from Comic Con? Check out this video from Sneaky Zebra, which f...

This Man Wants You To Be Your Own Doctor

This man wants to save your life, but not by getting his own hands dirty or performing surgery on you, he wants to teach you how to be your own doctor and save your own life with skills he feels we all should have learne...

Turning Love into a Viral Sensation

What’s the worst thing you can do to a great emotion? Make it go viral! If you love someone, you are supposed to set them free, not give them internet fame -unless that’s what they want more than anything. Ev...

TIE Fighter

[] YouTube LinkWatch the TIE Fight of the century, a Robot Chicken short on Adult Swim. Fighters, protect yourselves at all times. (I'm afraid th...

Peaches Sold as Sexy Butts

Ripe peaches in season are wonderful, and really don’t need to be dressed up to sell. But when you are competing with other peach vendors, a little sex can make a big difference. In China, vendors are putting panti...

Goldfish Bubble Wrap

Bubble wrap is so much fun! Each delightful pop lets us feel some tiny, immediate impact on the world. But Daisuke Akiyama’s goldfish bubble wrap is designed to inhibit this desire. It’s made...

Reflection Collection

Image: Philip CornishOne of the best pieces of photography advice I've been given is "the best photo is often right behind you." You can be walking in new city and turn your head, often by chance, only to see unbeli...

Guardians of the Galaxy in LEGO

[] (YouTube link)Sean Willets and Forrest Whaley remade the Guardians of the Galaxy trailer completely in LEGO. From Gamma Squad:From YouTuber Forrest Whaley, who has turned moving Leg...

Teenage Boy Comically Recreates Female Celebrity Fashion Photos

Liam Martin is a teenager from New Zealand who has a unique sense of fashion and an extremely photogenic face. His style, however, is derived from what celebs wore during famous fashion shoots, and he often wears th...

The Suburbs Will Die

Charles Marohn was a municipal engineer who maintained roads, upgraded sewer systems, kept up with state and federal building codes, and oversaw the spread of suburbs, until several events led him to realize that what he...

Every Upworthy Video Ever: A Parody

[]YouTube LinkUpworthy has been taking a ribbing for a while now. In that vein, Cracked presents "Every Upworthy Video Ever." Watch it, because it will change y...

An Ode To Military Working Dogs

Buzzfeed posted the stories of six military dogs who displayed bravery, loyalty, and intelligence in the face of danger to our service members. For example, Sgt. Rex was paired with Corporal Megan Leavey for his second a...

Want a Discount at this Restaurant? Impersonate a Character

Maybe they also do senior citizen or group discounts, but you can never be sure which television or movie character to impersonate until you show up at Not a Burger Stand and look at the chalkboard. This...

A Modular Cat Playground For Your Favorite Kitty

No matter how much space you have for your kitty, the CatsPlay Modular Playground is a perfect  fit for your little furball. That's because this cat-friendly creation is modular by the true definition of t...

The Easiest Solution To Batman Versus Superman

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is an upcoming movie that has both superhero flick fans and comic book readers foaming at the mouth, our heads spinning from all the possibilities. Will Batman and Superma...

60+ Costumes From The 2014 San Diego Comic Con

If you've been on the internet at all over the last week, you know the San Diego Comic Con was last weekend. If you are a regular Neatorama reader, then you know that Zeon and I go to Comic Con every year to collect the...

A Beginner's Guide To Graphics Settings For PC Gaming

Some gamers find PC gaming a bit daunting, what with all the hardware needed to support high end games, extra software needed to run the games properly, and the myriad of settings you don’t need to worry about whil...

Chinese Doctors Bow to Honor a Dead Patient

(Photo: China Daily)11-year old Liang Yaoyi of Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China, died on June 6 of a brain cancer. He wanted to become a doctor when he grew up. He will not get the chance, but Yaoyi will get to heal...

Wasteland Weekenders Were Out In Force At San Diego Comic-Con

Wasteland Weekend is “The World’s Largest Post-Apocalyptic Festival”, and since the official debut in 2010 the event has grown from a few hundred attendees to an apocalyptic mob large enough to initiate...

Chainsaw Powered by a V8 Car Engine

Whitlands Engineering is an Australian company that manufactures wood splitters, firewood processors, and awesomeness. In order to advance their dominance of the latter field, the company built a chainsaw powered by a *s...

The Leftovers Wins The WTF Award For Advertising At Comic-Con

The HBO Series The Leftovers is an incredibly dramatic show based on the Tom Perrotta novel of the same name.The Leftovers is a unique take on the idea of the Rapture, where two percent of all people on...

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