How Much Sleep Do You Need?

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Asap SCIENCE's latest video takes a look at sleep and how much of it allows for us to be productive, or even merely functional. I'm sure nobody is surprised that the news isn't good for people with a newborn in their house. The concept of sleep debt is also discussed. This morning I feel like my sleep debt has accumulated to the point that, soon, someone's Uncle Vito is going to whack me.

I don't think there's a golden number to sleep. And find a lot of evidence to the contrary. My entire life I've naturally not slept more than 6 hrs daily. 4 hours is by far my norm. And 2 hours barely affects me. Below 2, yes, I admit, I can feel tired and lethargic. And below 4 for more than 5 (or so) consecutive nights will make me feel run down. But a magic bigger number is just out of line for myself. Even as an infant, and young child, I rarely napped. Infancy saw about 6-8 hrs of sleep. And from 3 onwards I never slept more than 6.

Frankly I cannot imagine wanting to. What a waste.
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I tend to agree with Ash (above), I used to study Psychology, which includes a topic on sleep; research on sleep deprivation showed no long term cognitive damage, and could be recovered rather quickly. There does not seem to be an 'ideal' amount as well, although most people each night would go through 4-5 rounds of deep sleep to Rem sleep, each round taking 1.5hrs, thus 6-8hrs is usually advised

One must take caution to the research the video quoted, as most of them are not random trial based. People sleep less maybe because they have more work, or greater mental pressure due to family/work issues, which is the real reason that leads to their higher risk of disease and death
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