This kitty is polishing off a cup of yogurt, but she's not interested in sharing the treat with her fellow feline. I say "she," not because I know the cat's gender, but because bogarting yogurt is just something that seems like a chick would do. Another chick-type behavior is casually moving something out of another's reach as opposed to causing a big, ugly scene over it. Sure, I'm making massive generalizations, but while I had you distracted just now, I ate the last square of dark chocolate. Via Nothing To Do With Arbroath.
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HEY SPIELBERG! Put down the camera and get two plates!
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There's a great deal more sharing going on there than would ever happen between our three. Meep wouldn't stand any nonsense like that from Chlorine or Fluorine, who she still treats as rebellious kittens and probably always will. Just as (the now defunct) Shrimp did to her when she was younger.
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