Conspiracy Theories in Space: Saturn's Hexagon

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Who or what created the hexagon on Saturn's north pole? Solar physicist Dr. Ian O'Neill appears on the Discovery News Channel to take on conspiracy claims of alien intervention, Hell gates and more. Via Unique Daily.

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When I first saw an image of this a couple years ago, it was linked to me without any story, and my thoughts were, "Hmm, looks just like a large wave structure" (in addition to thinking "cool picture"). It was rather confusing to see all the conspiracy theories later, when it seemed so similar from the start to structures that pop up in rotating experiments and even comes up from time to time on Earth's poles (though nowhere near as pretty or long term).
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Well, if you've read Grant Callin's novel "Saturn Alia", and it's sequel "A Lion on Tharthee", you'd know why arranging for a pattern like that to develop would be perfectly in character for the denizens of Tharthee...
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