A few days ago, Nathan Steffel (redditor steffel07) posted a heartbreaking request: "My daughter recently passed away after a long battle in the children's hospital. Since she was in the hospital her whole life we never were able to get a photo without all her tubes. Can someone remove the tubes from this photo?"
Sophia was born with a liver tumor, and was waiting for a transplant when she died from complications on July 10. She was six weeks old. Photoshop artists immediately went to work, and produced many versions of Sophia’s picture. Continue to see some of the highest-rated.
(Image credit: funkybrewster)
(Image credit: tacothecat)
(Image credit: ChangingYang)
(Image credit: izzyzzi)
Steffel was overwhelmed by the response, and said,
This is really amazing. Everyone you have made my day. All I wanted was a nice picture. What I received was a lot of love and support from a bunch of strangers. A long with a lot of great photos, drawings and paintings. Thanks everyone!
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