Archive for July 14th, 2014

Partners in Crime - Captains Of Criminal Enterprise

Partners in Crime by saqmanIf you need something smuggled across the verse you gotta hire the best, and whether you choose a guy who flies solo like a falcon, or one who travels with a crew, giving your package to these...

Nefari the Baby Giraffe Delights Onlookers

Lion Country Safari announced their first giraffe birth of 2014 on June 24th. The male calf, born weighing 141.5 pounds and measuring 70 inches, was named Nafari ("first-born” in Swahili). The healthy calf and...

Dogs vs. Physics

Dogs are so happy to fetch a stick. They are happy to find a stick, especially if they know it will impress their alpha, the guy who throws sticks. And the average dog is particularly proud to find a really big stick! Bu...

Scientists Use MRI to Measure Precisely How a Woman's Butt Moves When She Sits Down

(Photo: movethelife)A paper published in the Journal of Tissue Viability last year by S.E. Sonenblum, S.H. Spingle, J.M. Carthcart, S. Mix-a-Lot, and R.J. Winder described the results of the careful observation...

Game of Phones: Make an Iron Throne For Your Mobile Phone

Now that is a Game of Phones. Imgurian tumb1r has decided to create a mini iron throne for his mobile phone with styrofoam, weatherproofing foam tape, mini cocktail swords, and hot glue. It looks awesome,...

We Can Dance

[] (YouTube link)Enjoy clips from 93 different movies in this toe-tappin’ video set to the song "Tongues" by Joywave. They're not all musicals -it seems that most movies have at least a l...

Anti-Gambling Ad Ridiculed after Germany Wins the World Cup

(Photo: Reuters)An anti-gambling ad commissioned by the government of Singapore looks counter-productive, now that Germany has won the World Cup. The government created these public service announcements, which took the...

Body Image Issues

(Sarah Andersen)Remember that fifty year-old man who wears shorts and black socks with sandals? Someday--perhaps soon--you're going to be him. And you'll like it. You'll be comfortable and won't...

Flower Beards

via Will It Beard Macho yet sensitive, and if flower beard isn't a girl magnet, we don't know what is. When beard artist (beardist, as we've called him previously on Neatorama) Pierce Thiot of Will...

Fun Ad Series Featuring Animals Performing Crazy Stunts

Some humans love to live life on the edge, performing death defying stunts and risking it all for an adrenaline rush.We’re used to seeing people performing crazy stunts, so they don’t look quite as crazy anym...

The New Batgirl

DC Comics is giving Batgirl a new life, a new look, and an awesome new costume. The first issue will be out in October, illustrated by Babs Tarr. The stories will be written by Cameron Stewart and Brendan Fletcher. *stro...

The Incredible Goku - Things Are About To Get Hairy...

The Incredible Goku by OtakuTeezLike many tough yet tiny guys there's a giant lurking inside of Goku, an incredible beast just waiting to come out and play, and when he lets it out the earth trembles beneath his feet. T...

If Google Was a Guy (Part 3)

[]YouTube LinkPart three of being a fly on the wall in Google's busy office. Curious about what the cat's been searching? Please don't let it be yet another "bi...

Take Your Business Back In Time With Business Pogs

Want to take your totally 21st century business back to the glory days of the 1990s? Then you gotta keep it old school by replacing your boring rectangular business cards with some fresh round Business Pogs.They’re...

Weird Al Yankovic is "Tacky"

Weird Al Yankovic’s new album Mandatory Fun will be released tomorrow. The first video is “Tacky,” a takeoff on Pharell William’s song “Happy.” It stars Jack Black, Maragret...

Somewhere Underneath This Giant Fluff of Cuteness is a Rabbit. Somewhere.

Photo: Betty Chu Somewhere underneath this giant fluff of cuteness is a rabbit. Somewhere. Pictured above is Lilianna, an English Angora rabbit that belonged to Betty Chu of San Jose, California (prev...

Monty Python and the Holy Grail Performed on Flaming Bagpipes

[] (YouTube link)When you see someone coming down the street in Crusade-era knight’s armor, accompanied by the clop-clop of coconuts banging together, you automatically think of Monty...

Sometimes Work Can Make You Feel Like A Minion

(Image Via Malvorlagen/Imgur)Do you ever feel like you work for an evil mastermind who is hatching a despicable plan to take over the world?If you answered yes then you’ll probably relate to the giant construction...

The Illustrated "A - Z of Unusual Words"

  Fanfaronade: Swaggering; empty boasting; blustering manner or behavior; ostentatious display.Irish graphic artists The Project Twins set to illustrate stran...

Ten Fun Facts About The 1990 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie

The live action hero in a half shell legacy began in 1990 with the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film, which many fans believe to be the only worthwhile movie in the franchise’s history.Even fans of the com...

Whodunit: Long-Distance Murder

The following is a Whodunit by Hy Conrad.  These mysteries are from The Little Giant® Book of Whodunits by Hy Conrad and Matt LaFleur. Can you solve the mystery before you read the solution? (I...

Mayor Marries Crocodile

(Image: BBC News)Joel Vasquez Rojas is the mayor of San Pedro Huamelula, a town in Oaxaca, Mexico. This past week, in a grand public wedding, he married a young female crocodile that was wearing a white...

Ministry of Silly Portal - Science Fiction Sketch Comedy

Ministry of Silly Portal by mapedWhen one is passing between dimensions via projected portals it is customary to do so while walking in a very silly manner, so as not to offend those who reside in the Python dimension....

Bullfrogs in Slow Motion

[] (vimeo link)The title pretty much describes what happens in this video. Videographer Michael N. Sutton tells us how it came about.During a torrential downpour at Robert Frost Farm, I ventured...

Travel To The Stars With Galaxy Getaways

Vacations don’t have to be mundane, or involve flying on a crowded plane, because the galaxy has been opened up to the tourism industry, and we can now pay a visit to the stars! Marvel would like to invite you...

Living the Highlife is As Great As it Sounds

Here at Neatorama we love treehouses and British design firm Blue Forest's Living the Highlife is certainly no exception. This cool dwelling featues two different buildings, one for adults and one for kids...

Edward Payson Weston: The Great Pedestrian

The following is an article from the book Uncle John's Absolutely Absorbing Bathroom Reader.Over the years, sports have changed. Back in the 1860s, before the NBA, NFL, or NHL, you might have been cheering f...

Mapping and Travel Planning Program for the Roman Empire

Let's say that you've been transported back in time to the Second Century A.D. You're in Eburacum, a Roman fort located in what is now Barnsley, South Yorkshire, UK. You want to get Tanais, which is a Greco-Roman colony...

Kids' Reaction to Parents Kissing

via Cheezburger Yup. This basically summarizes my kids reaction to PDA. Ilikepiforbreakfast shares this cute family photo showing two young children horrified by their parents kissing in public.PDA, kissi...

Cheetah and Dog Get Birthday Popsicle

This is how you celebrate a birthday in the hot Texas sun! The Dallas Zoo threw a little party for their cheetah Winspear and his best friend Amani the black Labrador retriever. The two were born only three days apart, a...


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