What A Lightning Storm Looks Like from Space

The International Space Station passed over Houston, Texas a few days ago. While there, astronaut Commander Reid Wiseman (USN) made this Vine video showing a thunderstorm over the city.

He also tweeted out this picture of an aurora. Wiseman described it so poetically. 

You can see more photos from Wiseman here. He'll be up there, getting a scenic tour of Earth, until November.

-via Buzzfeed

Would you be interested in watching the
International Space Station (ISS) as it
flies past your location?

You even have two choices.

Go to this NASA site and sign up for their
free EMails after you pick your location.
They will send you one when the ISS will
be at least 40 Degrees above your horizon.
It could be some days before you get an
update so be patient. It must be dark naturally.
I've gotten notices for when it wasn't dark yet
which didn't make much sense. The ISS will be
really bright & easy to see if it's mostly
clear out. It will be the brightest object in the
sky after the moon.


Someone told me about this site recently.
Enter your location and it shows a 10
day list with a map of when the ISS will
be visible. If you click Home you can see
what is below the ISS. This site is really
nice and the 10 day list is better than
waiting for the NASA EMails that they send
approximately 12 hours ahead of time.

Have fun!
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I found a large box full of loose photos and while looking for the waterspouts photo
I came across a Poloroid of Echo I or II going over in the night sky. Brought back fond memories of the neighbors watching those satellites go over in the mid 50's. Watching
the ISS does the same thing.

I didn't mention it but if you wave at the ISS and they see you they will blink their
lights off and on!

(still looking for the waterspouts)

(are you related to Zeon)
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