Archive for July 2nd, 2014

Full-size Watermelon Jell-O Shots

Here’s something really impressive to try for the Independence Day party you’re throwing: Fill an entire watermelon with Jell-o and vodka! You’ll most likely want to slice this into manageable portions...

Scientist: Seeing Eye Dogs Don't Know That Their Humans Are Blind

(Photo: FaceMePLS)What do dogs think about? I look at my own dog and wonder that. I'm especially curious what he dreams about, which he does, loudly and often. What is inside a dog's mind?This is an especially important...

“Demon Cat” has Fabulous Ear Hair

I don’t know where this cat is, but the fine feline’s face has been shared all over. Its distinctive Basement Cat look is accentuated by its ear hair that resembles devil horns. Wouldn’t you just love t...

Nazi "Perfect Aryan" Poster Child Was Jewish

(Photo: Ohad)Hessy Taft was born to Latvian Jewish parents who moved to Germany in 1928 to pursue musical careers. In 1935, her mother took her to a photographer to get pictures. A few months later, the mother was shocke...

Play Tetris on Your Chest with This Electronic Shirt

Mark Kerger now has the perfect conversation starter. He's a walking arcade console, thanks to this shirt that he built with an Arduino controller, 128 LEDs, and 4 AA batteries.Hopefully this kind of pla...

The Solid Surface Area of our Solar System

(xckd/Randall Munroe)Randall Munroe, a webcomic artist, roboticist, and all-around genius, has a knack for explaining concepts or phenomena in original visual ways. We've previously seen his animated .gi...

A River Runs Through It

...and by "It," of course I mean the dinner table. These way cool tables from furniture maker Greg Klassen have"rivers and lakes" flowing through them. Klassen uses discarded trees (from c...

Funny Pictures of the Day - NeatoPicto July 2, 2014

7 Pets That Have Completely Given Up on Life - via Pleated-Jeans Love funny pictures? You're in luck! We've just updated our LOLpic blog NeatoPicto with lots of new funnies:...

The Cycle of Fatherhood

(Lunarbaboon)When I was a little boy, I wanted to be Superman, too. Now I just want to be like my Dad. But that's pretty much the same thing, though it took me a long time to notice.webcomic, Lunarbaboon...

How Well Do You Know This Quiz?

On the face of it, this quiz at Clickhole seems utterly stupid. And it is. But it’s also magnificently self-referential, which any experienced quiz-taker can see. But the folks at The Onion know a...

What A Lightning Storm Looks Like from Space

The International Space Station passed over Houston, Texas a few days ago. While there, astronaut Commander Reid Wiseman (USN) made this Vine video showing a thunderstorm over the city.It felt like I cou...

46 Facts About the First Ladies

[] (YouTube link)In celebration of the Fourth of July, John Green takes a close look at the First Ladies in our history for this week’s mental_floss video. Can someone be a First lady wit...

After a Thousand Years, The Bayeux Tapestry Is Finally Complete

(Photo: BBC)On September 28, 1066, William the Bastard crossed the English Channel from Normandy to England. On October 14, his army met that of King Harold Godwinson at the coastal town of Hastings. As a result of that...

Hell Passport Pocket Notebook

Hell Passport Pocket NotebookThe Summer Travel season is here. We all know that getting from point A to point B, and back again, can be pure hell. That's why you need the Hell Passport Pocket Notebook from the NeatoShop...

Sharktopus vs. Pteracuda

[] (YouTube link)The title may seem like a foreign language, but it’s just a new SyFy film. Sharktopus, the combination shark-octopus, finds a new nemesis in a pteradactyl-fish hybrid. As...

Photos of Adolf Hitler Practicing Hand Gestures for Use in Speeches

These cartoonish yet creepy photos are just a few of the approximately two million images of Adolf Hitler captured by his personal photographer Heinrich Hoffman. The poses were intended for use in his future sturm und dr...

What You Might Not Know About the Declaration of Independence

[] (YouTube link)Even if you’ve memorized the Declaration of Independence, the more interesting story happened around the document. The real men of the Second Continental Congres...

Archery Tag Lets You Play Out Your Hunger Games Fantasy in Real Life (Without Killing Anyone)

Photo: Agaton Strom / The New York Times Move over, paintball! There's a new game in town and it's straight out of the "Hunger Games." Well, except that nobody dies and it looks like a lot of fun....

An Honest Trailer for Planet of the Apes

[]YouTube LinkAnother film trailer of truth from Screen Junkies. This time, for Planet of the Apes. ("Wait... the Tim Burton Version? *sigh*...

The 50 Greatest Summer Blockbusters

In June 29, 1975, the way movies were presented changed forever.  Before that, films were released in just a few theaters at a time, and toured the country for months if they were any good. Wide-release movies exist...

Colombia's Weirdest Invasive Species: Hippos

(Photo:Shaun Wallin)The hippopotamus is not native to the Americas. But there are wild hippopotamuses in Colombia.That's because the notorious drug lord Pablo Escobar, who died in 1993, brought them to his lavish estate...

You'd Never Guess the Technological Beast Hidden Inside This 19th Century Church

All photos by courtesy of Barcelona Supercomputing Center Build in the 19th century, Chapel Torre Giona is a stunning neo-romantic building that used to serve the Roman Catholic Church as the place o...

Fun with Peter and Jane

Peter and Jane are the principle characters in many early reading books, as the British equivalent of the American Dick and Jane. Artist Jon Bentley revisits those primers, but adds a surreal adult twist in the series of...

This Shelving System Is So Square

Well, square, rectagle, circular, etc. Really, it's just pretty geometric. The modular system comes with 25 pieces you can mix and match however you see fit and each piece is designed for a different purpose. Designers&n...

The Cat Named Stache

A friend of redditor Iced_TeaFTW owns this cat. Naturally, he's named Stache. As you can see, he's a natural flirt.It's only July, but Stache is ready for Movember. He was born ready for Movembe...

8 Fun Unofficial Disney Days

Disney parks are a great place to celebrate special occasions like anniversaries, birthdays and more, but they’re also a great place to make up an excuse to celebrate some of your favorite things. Whether it’...

84-Year-Old Gives AGT a Reason to Live

[] (YouTube link)America’s Got Talent, along with the many other talent shows on TV now, has been losing audience members by the millions. But thanks to the internet, we don&rsqu...

Give Your Living Room a Stormy Forecast

[]Vimeo Link Designer Richard Clarkson, in time split between his New York and New Zealand studios, has produced Cloud, a light fixture in the form of a cumulus cloud....

34 Things You Didn't Know about Breaking Bad

Robin Edds of Buzzfeed dove into the production history of Breaking Bad and found surprising bits of information about the actors' lives and the composition of the show. Here's a sample: 1...

Love Bird Makes Her Own Tail Extensions

[] (YouTube link)Bebe the love bird loves the shred paper. In this video, she has a purpose for it: she’s tucking them into her tail feathers to make a longer, more attractive tail for he...


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