This Spinning Chair/Sculpture Lets You Rotate Your Views

Kate Brown, an interior designer in Arizona, developed the Etazin. It's a sculpture that you can find at Taliesen West, a house in Scottsdale that Frank Lloyd Wright designed and lived in. Etazin is inspired by moon gates, which are circular garden wall entrances found in Chinese architecture. 

The sculpture consists of a series of steel rings, the largest of which is eight and a half feet wide. There's a padded bench in the interior which visitors and students can use for lounging or contemplative purposes.

(Photos: Etazin)

-via Dornob

Outer ring provides stabilization. Otherwise there'd be a ton of stress on supporting pivot (and it would need a large base or be bolted). It also provides something for the person in the chair to push off of so they can move it around, otherwise it would be impossible to rotate.
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