People have been sacrificing comfort, physical appearance and unbroken bones in the name of fashion for centuries, and even though it seems like we should know better by now people still stuff, cram, wedge, tuck, crush and squish themselves into ill-fitting clothes in order to stay fashionably current.
However, people don’t generally die trying to cram themselves into a pair of skinny jeans, but there have been fashion trends throughout history that were quite deadly, and unlike the Deadly Fashion Trends Miss C posted a while back this particular group killed fashionistas with chemicals and toxins.
A shade of dye created with arsenic called Paris Green, nitrobenzine shoe polish that soaked into the wearer's feet and made them lose consciousness, and glowing hair created by brushing in radium laced paint are just a few of the ways people once died to look good and stay trendy.
Read more about the 7 Deadliest Fashion Trends Of All Time at io9
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