Archive for June 24th, 2014

3D Printing Stone AgeTools

Photo: Moti Fishbain Now THIS is what 3D printing is made for! For their Man Made series, Israeli designers Dov Ganchrow and the late Ami Drach (previously on Neatorama) recreated stone age tools wit...

An Honest Trailer for Forrest Gump

[]YouTube LinkWatch this heartwarming Honest Trailer to "relive the heartwarming tale of Forrest, a simpleton who bombards complete strangers with his entire li...

Napoleon Dynamite Pancake Breakfast

Jill at Kitchen Fun with My 3 Sons (previously at Neatorama) is playing with her food again. One of her sons is a real Napoleon Dynamite fan (and the other boys like it, too), so she tried recreating the faces o...

Idiot Burglar Breaks into House, Logs into Facebook Using Homeowner's Computer, But Forgets to Logoff

(Every Time Someone Uses Facebook t-shirt now on sale at the NeatoShop)James Wood of Minneapolis, Minnesota noticed that someone had broken into his house while he was away. He called th...

I Dare You to Watch This Entire 3-Minute Video

CollegeHumor's Favorite Funny VideosI'm in my 30s, but I don't have the attention span that I did as a teenager. Back then, I could actually read an entire book in one day and, occasionally, one sitting. I could watch an...

Game of Pugs

[](Video Link)When you play the game of pugs, you win or you die. Thanks to Blinkbox, here are the pugs of Westeros perfectly costumed as your favorite characters, such as Joffr...

Epic Battle - The Dimwit Meets The Dinosaur

Epic Battle by AndriuWhen Homer discovered an alien capsule in his box of donuts he did the only logical thing- he ate it. Soon he had grown so big the city of Springfield could no longer contain him, and although he wa...

Museum Camouflage by Harvey Opgenorth

(L) In front of artwork by Ellsworth Kelly (M) In front of artwork by Helen Frankenthaller (R) In front of artwork by Christopher Wool. Photo via Saatchi Art's Facebook page In his art series Museum Ca...

TV's Greatest Catchphrases (Part 2)

[] (YouTube link)A lot of folks enjoyed the video TV’s Greatest Catchphrases a couple of weeks ago. We were told it would be part one of two, which makes plenty of sense to me, as any suc...

8 Ways to Sit on Couches

And for the really talented ... Tumblr user Julia AKA Cheese3d posted this clever illustrations of the 8 ways to sit on couches. Which one is y...

A Loom that Weaves in 3-D

Designer and engineer Oluwasey Sosanya has created a loom that weaves three-dimensional objects. The impressive apparatus forms each intricate project using a single thread.Sosanya will present...

Queen Visits Game of Thrones Set

I guess we all know who really has best claim on the iron throne and the rulership of the Seven Kingdoms! If only it were so, but this is a Photoshopped image. However, Queen Elizabeth, along with Prince Philip,...

Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité!

(Photo: unknown)Liberty, equality, and brotherhood--these words formed a common republican slogan during the French Revolution. If the revolutionaries had included Beyoncé, would there have been fewer decapitation...

Everyday Life in New York City in the 1890s

Social reformer and photojournalist Jacob Riis took many pictures of New York City in the 1890s to show how “the other half” lives. Those pictures are now part of The City Museum, and a selection is o...

Innovation from Stanford Lends CLARITY to Brain Imaging

[]YouTube LinkAn innovation by scientists at Stanford University is making it possible to see an intact brain in ways never before possible. Stanford researcher...

Whodunit: The Party's Over

Neatorama is proud to present a new series of Whodunits from Hy Conrad. The new mysteries are from The Little Giant® Book of Whodunits by Hy Conrad and Matt LaFleur. Can you solve the mystery before you read the...

This Second Century A.D. Lighthouse Is Still in Use

(Photo: Yellow.Cat)This is the Tower of Hercules near La Coruña, Spain--the northwestern tip of the Iberian peninsula. It may be the only ancient lighthouse still in use. It's possible that a Phoenician work prece...

Star Portals - The Xenomorphic Looking Glass

Star Portals by Letter-Q ArtworkBeing able to create an interdimensional portal wherever you'd like is something that sounds great on paper, but add a xenomorphic lifeform to that equation and watch how quickly those ap...

Grizzly Bear Chews On a GoPro Camera

[] (YouTube link)Chris Weston conducts wildlife photo safaris for a living. He was in the Katmai Peninsula of Alaska recording bears with Monique Brignoni for a documentary and set out a brand-...

The Most Perfect Graffiti Ever

Move over, Banksy! Twitter user Dokter Bertho snapped this picture of the world's most perfect graffiti ever: This must be the best graffiti ever!— Dokter Bertho (@DokterBertho) Ma...

Inside the Mind of an Inventor

[]Vimeo LinkStamford, Lincolnshire, U.K. inventor Colin Furze's wacky creations have been featured previously on Neatorama. Furze, a plumber by day, is i...

Roasted Chickens Wearing Costumes

“It must be Zorro: he has his black hat and Capon.”Has anyone ever told you that you should dress up your chicken dinner? Jill Alexander Essbaum, aka Emily Chickenson, dresses hers up in costumes to illustr...

University Makes the Video Game League of Legends a Varsity Sport with Athletic Scholarships

(Photo: pinguino k)League of Legends is a hugely popular multiplayer online combat game. Many people do not just play, but play so well that they win tournaments for that game. League of Legends has become so intensely c...

McKenzie and Her Dad

[] (YouTube link)Twelve-year-old McKenzie Carey (warning: autoplay music) suffers from mitochondrial disease. That doesn’t stop her from wanting to do the same things other girls do, like...

A Viewing Tower Designed to Inspire

If you couldn't tell already, over at Homes and Hues, we love slides and there's no exception when it comes to this amazing viewing tower/slide/clock combination found at the German campus of design company Vitra. The to...

Viagra Induces Fractal Growth in Mushrooms in Switzerland

The following is an article from The Annals of Improbable Research.(Image Credit: Strobilomyces)by Gabriele A. LosaInstitute of Scientific Interdisciplinary StudiesLocarno, SwitzerlandThis stud...

Photos That Will Make You Fall In Love With Foxes

(Image Via Francisco Mingnorance)(Image Via Roeselien Raimond)(Image Via Roeselien Raimond)The fox is seen as an adorable, beautiful and quite approachable critter by the humans they live alongside. They’re also se...

Celebrate the NeatoShop's 2000th Facebook Follower With This Great Contest

Good news guys, it's contest time again! This time it's to celebrate the NeatoShop Facebook page getting 2000 fans in only a matter of months. We're offering up eight special Transformer toys from our most recent mystery...

It's An App - Smartphone Star

It's An App by HartmanArtsOdds are he wouldn't find himself in another situation which required him to yell "It's a trap!" but he really liked his catchphrase, liked yelling it out loud to show how excited he was, so he...

Scientist Ejected from Classical Music Concert for Attempting to Crowd-Surf

Dr. David Glowacki is a chemistry professor at the University of Bristol (UK). He's an expert on “computational simulation of classical and quantum reaction dynamics” and the “non-equilibrium statistica...


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