The Internet Arguer

(YouTube link)

Slackstory brings us a followup to Actually Guy. Maybe you’ll like this guy, too! He likes to argue. There’s nothing wrong with a friendly argument in which people refrain from personal attacks or hitting below the belt, but there is a certain type of internet commenter who doesn’t really care if he wins, loses, or changes any minds. He just wants to argue.

Still, the producers of this video managed to avoid the most irritating tropes in an unfruitful argument: “Educate yourself!” and “Wake up, sheeple!” and the endless name-calling (on other sites). Neatoramanauts don’t comment as much as we’d like, but when they do, they’re at least original, often quite funny, and downright good folks about it. -Thanks, Nick!

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Oh... well now I feel like I need to be more mindful of my comments. The heat is on! sheesh! And here I thought this was a site that I could just say what I wanted w/o the stress of 'being funny, original and a downright good folk'...
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