Image: Flickr User Calypso Orchid
Osoyoos is a small town in British Columbia, Canada that is home to an incredible natural phenomenon called the Spotted Lake, thought to be the most mineralized lake in the world. The Okanagan people — aboriginal people of Canada, collectively called the First Nation — believe the lake is sacred and has medicinal power. The Okanagan have been coming to the lake for centuries, in search of healing for their ailments.
During summer, most of the water in Spotted Lake evaporates, exposing large mineral deposits. The mineral in highest concentration is magnesium sulfate, which crystallizes in the summer. Spotted Lake also has high levels of calcium, sodium sulphate and eight other minerals, as well as small concentrations of silver and titanium. Read more about the Spotted Lake of Osoyoos in this article. Via Unique Daily.
Image: Flickr User Christopher Wenger
Image: Flickr User Calyspo Orchid