Full Contact Skydiving

(YouTube link)

What’s new in the extreme sports world? Think of the two most insanely dangerous sports you can think of and combine them: mixed martial arts and skydiving. Full Contact Skydiving involves MMA fighting during the scant minute of free fall from 15,000 feet to 4,000 feet -the point you must deploy your parachute, according to the rules.

This has got to be some kind of viral marketing stunt, I just haven’t yet heard what for …maybe Go Pro? The campaign looks plenty expensive, much too expensive for just satire, and they’ve got the UFC’s Urijah Faber involved. -via With Leather

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Band Aid must be PG-13>>

Oooh, you got a booboo, you're HURT, but we gonna fix it with Band Aid.


(for curious people like me, www.bandaid.com is rated G... CNN PG, fox.com G (dome on!) and Directs*x G!!!, )
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