(L) Birds and beasts caricature rabbit (2009) (R) Wildlife frog caricature (2009)
And now for something completely different, here are some fascinating sculptures by Japanese artist Masao Kinoshita.
Kinoshita's bronze and painted resin sculptures feature the musculature and skeletal anatomies of various animals and mythical figures like the Hindu deity Ganesha and even a Kewpie doll. As you can see, the Tokyo University of Art and Design graduate combines technical mastery of sculpting buff bodies with a generous twist of the absurd.
Three Maenad by Masao Kinoshita (Photo: Yoshitaka Uchida and YuHiroshi Watanabe)
Take a look at a few more:
Sailor (2008) by Masao Kinoshita
(Photo: Yoshitaka Uchida)
Ganesha (2011) by Masao Kinoshita (Photo: Yuhiroshi Watanabe
Baby (2008) by Masao Kinoshita (Photo: Yoshitaka Uchida)
Teddy (2002) by Masao Kinoshita