When a person’s interest in tattoos turns into addiction, and they proceed to cover themselves from head to toe in ink, they do so knowing that people are going to stare at them, and ask them questions about their tattoos, when they’re in public.
Rico the Zombie (Rick Genest) is the world’s most tattoed man, and he chose to make himself look more "interesting" by covering his body in tattoos, but there are bound to be moments in Mr. Zombie’s life when he wishes he could cover up his ink.
Enter Dermablend Professional- a company that produces a cover up makeup so powerful it makes Rico the Zombie look like Rico the Smith- ordinary tattooless citizen of the world…albeit with a few more facial piercings.
This video from a few years back shows the power of their product, and is truly the most effective advertising I've ever seen for a cover up makeup!
-Via The FW
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