Men Took Coffee Very Seriously In The 1950s, According To Commercials

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Men took things, like coffee and their hair, way more seriously in the 1950s and 60s than they do today, at least according to television commercials featuring husbands grumping about their coffee to their poor wives.

It’s no wonder the divorce rate soared through the roof, women were sick of hearing about how bad their coffee tastes, and men fell into the arms of the first woman who made them a decent cuppa joe!

Wake up to Coffee Jerks, a vintage commercial compilation featuring old timey ads about homebrewed marriage trouble put together by Shaun Clayton a few years back.

It’ll open your eyes to the trials and tribulations of those brave domestic folks who had to suffer with making coffee at home, back before there was a Starbucks on every block. How ever did they manage!

-Via The Soup

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Few young people today have any idea that this sort of thing was not only tolerated but considered normal. Providing your man, your lord and master, with the perfect life in all aspects was supposed to be woman's ultimate goal in life. This illustrates a tiny tip of the iceberg that started the feminist movement.

See also: ring around the collar.
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So, it's always the woman's fault for bad coffee? sheesh! These lazy ass men! IF they like a certain brand then why don't they clue their wives into it instead of insulting them for their efforts? If my husband treated me like that then he'd be doing most of his own cooking. Be helpful, be encouraging, be supportive. Belittle me and you are own your own, bud.
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