Rick Gruber is a pool repairman in Phoenix, Arizona. Recently, while on the job, he found a squirrel lying in the water, apparently dead from drowning. Anyone else might have tossed the body aside, but Gruber loves animals and decided to do what he could to save the squirrel’s life.
He lay the squirrel across a pipe and gently squeezed and tapped on his body. After about a minute of this, the squirrel began breathing. So Gruber placed the squirrel in a makeshift bed made of a kneepad. After a while, the squirrel slowly revived, first twitching, then crawling slowly. After an hour of recovery, it ran away.
Rick “the Squirrel Whisperer” Gruber recorded the entire hour-long encounter. This video appears to be a copy of his video.
-via Huffington Post
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