"The One-Man Spinal Tap of Pipe Organ Music"

(Video Link)

Credit for the headline goes to David Burge, from whom I first encountered this video.

It wasn't until after I had watched the entire video and did some research that I discovered that the man in it is a real person, not an actor performing in a satire. To my surprise, there actually is a man named Cameron Carpenter noted for his high degree of skill as an organist. The man in the video is Carpenter himself, not a comedian lampooning him.

Yes, really!

Thanks to him, we are facing an impending revolutionary moment in music. Carpenter says so at 3:19:

It's frightening. It's monumental. It's just going to be beyond anything that I could have told you about.

Which Carpenter then immediately follows at 3:26 with this profound expression:

You've got to see it to believe it.

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