22,000 Dominoes

(YouTube link)

Domino artist Hevesh5 (previously at Neatorama) wanted to do something special to celebrate reaching 200,000 YouTube subscribers. So she put together a domino fall themed around that milestone, with 22,000 dominos falling every which way! Now I have to wonder, how much does one invest to accumulate 22,000 dominoes? -via Viral Viral Videos

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Yeah, the website isn't very good but it's funny.
My husband and I usually refer to creepy vans as "Rape vans". It's awful, but what can I say... we're immature giggly adults that are easily amused :P
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"For some reason the creepiest mode of transportation is the van"

Nah. Surely the most suspect form of transport is anything with heavilly tinted windows, but especially if it happens to be a black MPV.
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@lisa, reminds me of the workaholics episode where they write 'rape van' on their van to keep people away from it

and ya, what an awful site, made looking at the creepy vans really annoying...and i enjoy looking at creepy vans apparently.
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