Archive for May 25th, 2014

Douglas Munro, The Only US Coast Guardsman to Receive the Medal of Honor

The United States Coast Guard, an amalgamation of the Revenue Cutter Service, Life-Saving Service, and Lighthouse Service, was established in 1915. Though modest in size and resources, it committed ferverently to action...

One Angry Bird

Redditor jofried posted this picture and titled it “My last picture from the bird show.” The most I looked at it, the more possible captions came.1. I said no pictures!2. That’s one Ang...

Eye-Catching Murals Transform Train Routes Into Outdoor Art Shows

To street art enthusiasts riding the train means getting to see some colorful graffiti during your commute, and the time is spent watching and waiting for the next mural to pop up, but where’s the train line art fo...

Johnny Cash Has Been EVERYWHERE (Man)!

Johnny Cash has been everywhere, and he even sang a song about it (although he was far from the only one). The song lists places, so it was only a matter of time before someone married the song to Google Maps. Iain Mulla...

Grace Ciao Makes Fashion Sketches with Flowers

Grace Ciao is a fashion illustrator and business student in Singapore. The women in her fashion sketches wear dresses made of flowers as though they are tiny sprites from fairy tales. Her project has a very rom...

AnchorMinion - Keep It Classy...Banana!

AnchorMinion by Matt SinorThey made the minion news network what it is today, keeping it classy by reporting news in an unintelligible language few humans can understand. They reported the latest breaking news the way t...

The World’s Prettiest Tarantula

Prettiest tarantula? Of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but the spider you see here won the Best in Show title at the 29th Annual Exhibition of the British Tarantula Society. It’s like the Westminster...

Limzy's Enchanting Floral Art

MaleficentFor Labour DayLim Zhi Wei is a Malaysian artist in Singapore who goes by the name Limzy. While working as an art teacher, she found that she had little time to create her own work. She made do as best she could...

Banksy Makes Entertaining Video to Accept Webby Award

[] YouTube LinkInstead of appearing in person to accept a Webby Award for Person of the Year, camera-shy street artist Banksy submitted this acceptance video to be pl...

Conviently Reusable: Toilet Paper Wedding Dress

(Photos: Cheap Chic Weddings)The problem with buying a wedding dress is that usually, you can wear it only once. But Olivia Mears has found a great solution.We've previously seen her dre...

Herring Communicate by Farting

Herring fish signal each other by what scientists call FRTs. Believe it or not, this stands for Fast Repetitive Tick Sounds. But only recently have they found out what else FRTs mean.It’s been known for quite some...

Brain Smash's Wondrous 3D Paintings Jump off the Walls

Brain Smash, an art studio in Novosibirsk, Russia, held an exhibition of its 3D work. You can see more photos from the show here. The work is amazing! The images seem to come alive and leap into the gall...

The 94 Most Badass Soldiers Who Ever Lived

Cracked has given us lists of heroic wartime figures quite a few times in the past, and now they’ve put together a mega-list compiled from earlier posts, ranking 94 amazing stories of military exploits, all in the...

The Science Behind Bruce Lee's One-Inch Punch

(Game of Death t-shirt now on sale at the NeatoShop)The famous martial artist and actor Bruce Lee could knock a man flat with a fist that traveled only one inch. How? William Herkewitz of Popular Mechanics*/s...

Tolkien Reveals True Meaning Of Lord Of The Rings In Unearthed Recordings

(Video Link)A recently unearthed audio recording from the "Hobbit Dinner", which took place in Rotterdam in 1958, finds Tolkien reading excerpts from The Hobbit as Bilbo, reading a poem in Elvish, and...

Fox Freed from Cricket Net

[] (YouTube link)When a fox kit got caught in a cricket net, a call went in to the Wildlife Aid Foundation. A guy from their rescue team responded wearing a GoPro camera, so we get an up close...

Super Green - The Elements Of Intergalactic Super Stardom

Super Green by Amanda FlaggThe most important element to being an intergalactic celebrity is your own personal sense of style, and when you've got it you gotta flaunt it baby, 'cause super green is hot hot hot!Keeping y...

Artist Makes the Photoreal Surreal

 Iranian artist Hossein Zare uses Photoshop as his medium in these alluring photographs that are reminiscent of iconic French surrealist painter René Magritte. More of Zare's work can be seen o...

Aug(De)Mented Reality

[] (YouTube link)Storyboard artist Marty Cooper uses animation cels with a Sharpie and White-Out to add characters and funny details to real-life backgrounds. We saw his art a couple of months...

Don't Move, There's a Bee on You!

(Chris Hallbeck/Maximumble)It could be worse. He could be binge-watching Grey's Anatomy or Smallville. You just better hope that the bee doesn't get angry at how the series ends.webcomi...

Parasites: Enlarged and Up Close to Several Degrees Above Creepy

These photos would be perfect models for monsters in those 1950s horror movies. The ones in which some small, ugly thing in nature, in a freak accident, becomes incomprehensibly huge and after mankind, hellbent on destru...

Aleksandra Katsan's Stunning Watercolor Tattoos

Aleksandra Katsan is an artist at Tattooed Paradise, a tattoo studio in Kiev, Ukraine. Her style, like that of the previously featured Jan Mráz and Koray Karagözler, seems influenced by water...

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